Roma tomatoes, garlic , black olives , capers, fresh basil & artichokes sauteed then tossed with angel hair...
Breaded veal cutlet topped with marinara sauce, mozzarella cheese and baked to perfection, served with a side...
Chicken breast sauteed with mushrooms, tomatoes, bacon & our housemade butter cream sauce, served with spaghetti.
Breaded eggplant topped with marinara sauce, mozzarella cheese and baked to perfection, served with a side of Spaghetti...
Sliced grilled chicken sautéed with mushrooms & garlic, tossed with penne pasta in a creamy Gorgonzola...
Mozzarella stuffed tortellini noodles tossed in our housemade Alfredo & meat sauces with ricotta & Romano...
Bowtie pasta tossed in our housemade spicy cream sauce with cayenne pepper, sliced chicken, sun-dried tomatoes...
Sliced baked chicken sauteed with bacon, garlic, red onions & tomatoes tossed with bowtie pasta in our housemade...
Sliced grilled chicken served over fettuccine noodles in our housemade creamy Alfredo sauce.