Breaded veal cutlet topped with our housemade marinara sauce, mozzarella cheese and baked to perfection, served...
Bowtie pasta sauteed with pepperoni, ham, sausage, bacon, onions, green peppers & garlic topped with our housemade...
Mozzarella stuffed tortellini noodles tossed in our housemade Alfredo & meat sauces with ricotta & Romano...
Meatballs topped with marinara sauce , mozzarella cheese and baked to perfection, served with a side of spaghetti...
Our famous housemade lasagna topped with meat sauce, mozzarella cheese and baked to perfection.
Breaded eggplant topped with marinara sauce, mozzarella cheese and baked to perfection, served with a side of spaghetti...
Our most popular items combined to give you a taste of Italy, our housemade Lasagna and Chicken Parmesan with...