Generous portion of lettuce, tomatoes, onions , banana peppers, black olives & cucumbers, topped with our marinated...
Chopped Romaine lettuce tossed with Caesar dressing, sliced grilled chicken, fresh Roma tomatoes , black olives,...
Generous portion of lettuce, tomatoes, onions , banana peppers, Kalamata olives, ham, feta cheese, cucumbers...
Fresh crisp lettuce, cheery tomatoes , onions, carrots & croutons.
Generous portion of lettuce, tomatoes, onions , banana peppers, black olives , cucumbers, ham, turkey, mozzarella...
Generous portion of lettuce, tomatoes, onions , banana peppers, black olives, cucumbers, mozzarella cheese &...
Fresh crisp chopped Romaine lettuce, tossed with Caesar dressing , croutons & Parmesan cheese.
Generous portion of lettuce, tomatoes, onions , cucumbers , banana peppers, black olives , ham, pepperoni, mozzarella...